Please note, this quiz is currently in beta Step 1 of 10 10% Let's beginWelcome to the Fair Work Convention’s online self-assessment tool which is designed to help you make an assessment of your own experience of fair work and suggest actions you can take to improve on it. The questions will help you self-assess your work through the five dimensions of the Fair Work Framework. We would like to assure you that, in accordance with the Code of Practice for Statistics, all the information we collect will be kept in the strictest confidence and used for statistics and research purposes only. It will not be possible to identify any particular individual in the results. You can read our privacy statement here.If you were provided a reference number, please enter it here.Time to complete: 15 - 20 minutes First of all, we would like to know about your employment statusIn the last week (that is the 7 days ending on last Sunday) were you doing any of the following, even if only for one hour?*'Temporarily away' includes away from work due to illness, on maternity leave, on holiday leave, on a career break and temporarily laid off (as long as there is still an employment contract). It does not include those who are laid off and no longer have an employment contract. Choose the answer that best describes your situation. Working as an employee (or temporarily away) On a Government sponsored training scheme (or temporarily away) Self-employed or freelance (or temporarily away) Working unpaid for your own family's business (or temporarily away) Doing any other kind of paid work In full-time education Permanently retired Looking after the home or family None of the above Have you done any kind of paid work in the past 12 months?* Yes No To help us analyse the data, please, can you tell us when you stopped working?If you can't remember the exact date, please select the first of the month when you stopped working. DD slash MM slash YYYY When answering these questions, please think about your current employment. If you are not in employment at the moment, please think about your most recent employment. We are interested in your views and behaviours related to your self-employment. If you are both employed and self-employed, please focus on your self-employment when answering the following questions. Just before you actually started in this self-employment, what was the main thing you were doing? Were you:*Select all that apply Self-employed doing something different/running a different business Working for an employer in a paid role Working for an employer in a voluntary or unpaid role In training or education Retired Not working, but actively looking for work Not working and not looking for work Did any of the following contribute to you taking up your current self-employment?*Select all that apply Could not get a job as an employee in the type of work I wanted in my local area My employer at the time wanted me to move into self-employment I needed to work round childcare or other caring commitments My previous job came to an end (including redundancy) Self-employment gave me an opportunity to work around a health issue Continuation of a family business I saw a specific gap in the market or business opportunity Being self-employed is normal for the job I do Other – please specify Reasons for taking up self-employment: Other*Which of the following describe the nature of your self-employment?*Select all that apply Running my own business (business owner or partner) Doing freelance work Sub-contractor or contract worker Work through an agency Employed on a zero-hours contract Other – please specify The nature of your self-employment: Other*At the point you stopped being employed did you still do work or business with or for your previous employer?* Yes, all of my work was with my previous employer Yes, most of my work was with my previous employer Yes, some of my work was with my previous employer No Which of the following do you think are the advantages to you of being self-employed rather than working as an employee?*Select all that apply Earn more money Pay less tax Have more independence Have more time or flexibility Get more job satisfaction or greater challenge from work None of these Roughly how many different clients do you have over the course of a normal month?* 1 2-3 4-9 10 or more How much of your business would you say comes from your main client?* All of it At least three quarters of my business At least half of my business At least a quarter of my business Less than a quarter of my business I don’t have a main client Do you expect to leave self-employment in the next 3 years?* Yes, in the next 6 months Yes, in the next year Yes, in 2-3 years’ time No plans to leave in next 3 years What do you intend to do when you leave self-employment? Are you going to:* Work for an employer in a paid role Work for an employer in a voluntary or unpaid role Take a break from working to study Take a break from working for family reasons Retire Other: specify Intentions after self-employment: Other*Why are you going to work as an employee? Select all that apply* I don’t expect my business to survive Would be financially better off It would be more fulfilling or I want a career More security Will have finished what I wanted to do in self-employment Being self-employed makes it hard to get credit or mortgage etc. A job on the payroll has arisen or is likely to arise at an existing client Other – specify Reasons for intending to work as an employee: Other* OpportunityHere are a few questions about opportunities available to you in your current or most recent work. Apart from health and safety training, how many days of training - internal or external, seminar, class or on the job training - have you had during the last 12 months, either paid for or organised by your employer?*Please only include training where you have been given time off from your normal daily work duties to undertake the training. None Less than 1 day 1 to less than 2 days 2 to less than 5 days 5 to less than 10 days 10 days or more How well have you been able to apply the skills or knowledge you learnt into your daily job?* Very well Quite well Neutral Not well Not at all Do you agree that you have received sufficient training to help you do your job well?* Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Do you agree with the statement: ‘I am satisfied with the opportunities I have (had) to develop my skills in my job.'?* Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Do you agree with the statement: ‘There are realistic opportunities to progress my career with my current employer.'?* Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Do you agree with the statement: ‘There are informal barriers (e.g. expectations to work long hours, being mobile, etc.) to career progression at my workplace.'?*Workplace refers to the premises where you normally work or spend most of the time at if you work at multiple locations. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree This field is hidden when viewing the formOpportunity SecurityHere are a few questions about security of your employment. When answering these questions, please think about your current employment. If you are not in employment at the moment, please think about your most recent employment. Is (was) your job* Permanent Temporary - with no agreed end date Fixed period - with an agreed end date How many hours per week do (did) you usually work?*Please exclude meal breaks and overtime.How many hours paid overtime do (did) you usually work per week?*How many hours unpaid overtime do (did) you usually work per week?*Are (were) you content with your usual hours of work?* Yes No, I would like more hours No, I would like fewer hours Do you agree that your pay covers (covered) your basic needs?* Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Do you agree that you are (were) paid fairly for work that you do?* Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Do you agree that you are (were) paid fairly compared to other people doing a similar job to yours?* Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree What do you feel is the likelihood of losing your job in the next 12 months?* Very unlikely Quite unlikely Neither unlikely nor likely Quite likely Very likely Have you been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic in any of the following ways?*Select all that apply I have become unemployed My pay has been reduced My contractual hours have been reduced My employer has put me on furlough I have had to use my annual leave while my organisation is closed None of these This field is hidden when viewing the formSecurity FulfilmentWhen answering these questions, please think about your current employment. If you are not in employment at the moment, please think about your most recent employment. How well do the work skills you personally have match the skills you need (needed) to do your present (or most recent) job?* Much higher A bit higher About the same A bit lower Much lower Do you agree with the following statement: ‘I have (had) enough autonomy in how I do (did) my job/work.‘* Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disgree Disagree Strongly disagree Do you agree with the following statement: ‘I find (found) my work sufficiently challenging.’* My work is often too challenging My work is sometimes too challenging My work provides the right level of challenge My work provides little challenge My work isn’t challenging at all Do you agree with the following statement: ‘I have (had) unrealistic time pressures at work.'?* Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never Do you agree with the following statement: ‘My job/work is (was) meaningful and provides (provided) me with a sense of purpose.’* Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree In general, how do (did) you find your job?* Not at all stressful Mildly stressful Moderately stressful Very stressful Extremely stressful How satisfied are (were) you with the balance between the time you spend (spent) on your paid work and the time you spend (spent) on other aspects of your life?* Very Satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Do you agree with the following statement: ‘I am (was) clear what my duties and responsibilities are at work.'?* Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never Do you agree with the following statement: ‘My line manager encourages (encouraged) me at work.'?* Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Doesn’t apply Do you agree with the following statement: ‘I get (got) the help and support I need (needed) from colleagues at work* Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree This field is hidden when viewing the formFulfilment RespectWhen answering these questions, please think about your current employment. If you are not in employment at the moment, please think about your most recent employment. Do you agree with the following statement: ‘My manager is confident in my abilities.'?* Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree In the last 12 months, have you made use of any of the following arrangements, and if not, are they available to you if you needed them?Select all that apply Homeworking Flexitime (flexible working hours - ability to choose the start and finish time of the working day) An annualised hours contract Term-time working Job sharing (sharing a full-time job with someone) A nine-day fortnight A four-and-a-half day week Zero-hours contract On-call working None of these Have you personally been unfairly treated or discriminated against in the last 12 months at your workplace for any of the following reasons I have not experienced this Your accent Your ethnicity Your age Your language Your colour Your social/socio-economic class Your nationality Your mental ill-health Any other health problems or disability Your sex Your religious beliefs or faith Your sexual orientation Where you live Other reason: specify Have you personally experienced bullying or harassment in the last 12 months at your workplace for any of the following reasons I have not experienced this Your accent Your ethnicity Your age Your language Your colour Your social/socio-economic class Your nationality Your mental ill-health Any other health problems or disability Your sex Your religious beliefs or faith Your sexual orientation Where you live Other reason: specify Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, has your employer provided you with all tools and equipment you need to work safely (for example personal protective equipment or laptops to work from home)?* Yes, I’ve had all I needed since the start of the pandemic Yes, I’ve mostly had what I needed but there hasn’t always been enough No, there’s been serious lack of required equipment This field is hidden when viewing the formRespect Effective voiceWhen answering these questions, please think about your current employment. If you are not in employment at the moment, please think about your most recent employment. Overall, how good would you say managers at your usual workplace are at seeking the views of employees or employee representatives?* Very good Good Neither good nor poor Poor Very poor I don’t know Overall, how good would you say managers at your usual workplace are at responding to suggestions from employees or employee representatives?* Very good Good Neither good nor poor Poor Very poor I don’t know Overall, how good would you say managers at your usual workplace are at allowing employees or employee representatives to influence final decisions?* Very good Good Neither good nor poor Poor Very poor I don’t know If you weren’t a member of a trade union or staff association prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, have you decided to become one?* I already was a member No Yes Is there a trade union or staff association at your workplace?* Yes No Don't know Are your pay and conditions of employment directly affected by agreements between your employer and any trade union(s) or staff association(s)?* Yes No I don't know Is there a grievance procedure for raising concerns, problems or complaints with your employer?* Yes, I’m aware of it but I have not used it Yes, I’m aware of it, I have used it before and I was satisfied with the process Yes, I’m aware of it, I have used it before but I wasn’t satisfied with the process No, I’m not aware of it How anxious are you about future changes to your job that may give you less say over how it is done?* Very anxious Fairly anxious Not very anxious Not anxious at all This field is hidden when viewing the formEffective voice Demographic QuestionsThis is the final section. We just need to ask you a few questions about yourself. But do not worry - it will not be possible to identify any particular individual in our analysis.At birth were you described as...*Please select one option: Male Female Intersex I prefer not to say How would you describe your gender identity?* Male Female In another way If you would like to, please tell us what other words you useWhat is your age?*What is your legal marital or same-sex civil partnership status?* Never married and never registered in a same-sex civil partnership Married Separated, but still legally married Divorced Widowed In a registered same-sex civil partnership Separated, but still legally in a same-sex civil partnership Formerly in a same-sex civil partnership which is now legally dissolved Surviving partner from a same-sex civil partnership Are you a parent/carer of a dependent child?* Yes No Do you provide care to any family member aged 15 or over who are ill, disabled or elderly?*They may live in or outside your household. Yes, regularly Yes, occasionally No Is there anything about your main job that makes it especially difficult to balance your work and care responsibilities?Please select all that apply My long working hours My unpredictable or difficult work schedule A long commute to my place of work My job is demanding or exhausting A lack of support from employers or colleagues Another difficulty No difficulty What is your ethnic group?* White Mixed or multiple ethnic groups Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British African Caribbean or Black Other ethnic group Prefer not to say White* Scottish Other British Irish Gypsy/Traveller Polish Other Please type inPlease type inAsian, Asian Scottish or Asian British* Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish, Pakistani British Indian, Indian Scottish, Indian British Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish, Bangladeshi British Chinese, Chinese Scottish, Chinese British Other Please type inAfrican* African African Scottish African British Other Please type inCaribbean or Black* Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish Caribbean British Black, Black Scottish, Black British Other Please type inOther ethnic group Arab, Arab Scottish, Arab British Other Please type inWhat religion, religious denomination or body do you belong to?* None Church of Scotland Roman Catholic Other Christian Muslim Buddhist Sikh Jewish Hindu Another religion or body Prefer not to say Please type inPlease type inWhich of these options best describes how you think of yourself?*Select one option Heterosexual/Straight Gay/Lesbian Bisexual In another way I prefer not to say If you would like to, please tell us what other words you useAre you currently taking, scheduled to take or have ever taken maternity/paternity leave?* Yes No Have you ever been treated unfavourably on the grounds of your pregnancy or because you wanted to take or have taken maternity/paternity leave?* Yes No Where is your usual workplace?* Scotland Elsewhere in the UK Outside of the UK Country of your usual workplace is* England Wales Northern Ireland Country of usual workplace*Please type inWhich local authority in Scotland?*Aberdeen CityAberdeenshireAngusArgyll and ButeClackmannanshireDumfries and GallowayDundee CityEast AyrshireEast DunbartonshireEast LothianEast RenfrewshireEdinburgh CityFalkirkFifeGlasgow CityHighlandInverclydeMidlothianMorayNorth AyrshireNorth LanarkshireOrkney IslandsPerth and KinrossRenfrewshireScottish BordersShetland IslandsSouth AyrshireSouth LanarkshireStirlingWest DunbartonshireWestern Isles (Nah-Eileanan Siar)West LothianDo you have any physical or mental health condition or illness lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?* Yes No Prefer not to say Does your condition or illness reduce your ability to carry-out day-to-day activities?* Yes, a lot Yes, a little Not at all Select the highest level of educational qualifications you have already achieved:* Secondary or high school qualifications A registered Apprenticeship, for example a trade, advanced, foundation or modern apprenticeship Higher Education or professional qualifications Further Education qualifications No qualifications Don’t know Secondary or high school qualifications:* O Grade, Standard Grade, National 4 or 5, Access 3 Cluster, National 3, Intermediate 1 or 2, GCSE, CSE, Senior Certificate or equivalent SCE Higher Grade, Higher, Advanced Higher, CSYS, A Level, AS Level, Advanced Senior Certificate or equivalent Other school qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications) Higher Education or professional qualifications* Degree, Postgraduate qualifications, Masters, PhD, SVQ Level 5 or equivalent Professional qualifications (for example teaching, nursing, accountancy) Other Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications) Further Education qualifications* GSVQ Foundation or Intermediate, SVQ Level 1 or 2, SCOTVEC Module, City an Guilds Craft or equivalent GSVQ Advanced, SVQ Level 3, ONC, OND, SCOTVEC National Diploma, City and Guilds Advanced Craft or equivalent HNC, HND, SVQ Level 4 or equivalent Other post-school but pre-Higher Education qualifications not already mentioned (including foreign qualifications) How large is (was) the organisation you work(ed) for?* Less than 10 employees 10 to 49 employees 50 – 249 employees More than 250 employees Don't know Which sector do (did) you work in?* Private Public Third (charities, non-profit organisations) Don't know Which of the following best describes (described) your occupation?* Managers, Directors And Senior Official Professional Occupation Associate Professional And Technical Occupation Administrative And Secretarial Occupation Skilled Trades Occupation Caring, Leisure And Other Service Occupation Sales And Customer Service Occupation Process, Plant And Machine Operative Elementary Occupation What is (was) your job title?*Which industry do (did) you work in?* Agriculture, Forestry And Fishing Mining And Quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, Gas, Steam And Air Conditioning Supply Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management And Remediation Activities Construction Wholesale And Retail Trade; Repair Of Motor Vehicles And Motorcycles Transportation And Storage Accommodation And Food Service Activities Information And Communication Financial And Insurance Activities Real Estate Activities Professional, Scientific And Technical Activities Administrative And Support Service Activities Public Administration And Defence; Compulsory Social Security Education Human Health And Social Work Activities Arts, Entertainment And Recreation Other Service Activities Activities Of Households As Employers; Undifferentiated Goods-And Services-Producing Activities Of Households For Own Use Activities Of Extraterritorial Organisations And Bodies What is (was) your usual pay including overtime, bonuses or tips (but before tax and other deductions are taken out)?*If your pay before tax changes from week to week, think about what you get paid per hour. If you work part-time and are paid annually think about what you would get paid were you to work full-time. £8.21 an hour or less (£16,009.50 per year or less for a full-time job) £8.22 - £9.30 an hour (£16,010 - £18,135 per year for a full-time job) £9.30 - £15.00 an hour (£18,136 - £29,250 per year for a full-time job) £15.01 - £21.00 an hour (£29,251 - £40,950 per year for a full-time job) £21.01 - £31.00 an hour (£40,951 - £60,450 per year for a full-time job) £31.01 an hour and above (£60,451 per year or over for a full-time job) I prefer not to say We would now like to ask you for your name and email address. This is completely optional, you can leave this section blank if you don't wish to provide us this information and you will receive your full assessment. However, this information is important to us for administration and quality assurance purposes, no individual will be identified in any of our analysis.Name First Last Email Your consent*In the future, the Fair Work Convention may want to commission follow-up research among particular groups of the public to improve workplace practices. Please be assured that any information you provide for this purpose will be released for statistical and research purposes only and carried out by reputable research organisations and that your confidentiality will be protected in the publication of any results given. Would you be willing to have your name, email address and relevant answers you have given us in this questionnaire passed on the research agencies acting on behalf of, or in collaboration with, the Fair Work Convention for this purpose? Yes, I give you my consent No, I’d rather not NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. TweetShareShare